Supporting tennis programs for
under-served youth and people with disabilities.
In Memoriam
1927 - 2023

It is with a deep sadness that we received and now report the news of the passing of Dick Savitt, one of America’s great champions. Dick won the gentleman’s singles title at both Wimbledon and the Australian championship in 1951. He was born in New Jersey and lived much of his adult life in New York City. Dick was inducted into the Eastern Tennis Hall of Fame in 1999. He was a beloved legend within the Eastern family, among whom he will be greatly missed. No one who ever met Dick can forget his wicked sense of humor or his kindnesses. He was 95.
We are thrilled to introduce the Junior Tennis Foundation's
newest Board Members.
Both are dedicated to our mission of providing more tennis opportunities to underserved youth and to peoples with disabilities.
Junior Tennis Foundation
A not-for-profit foundation
supporting tennis programs for under-served youth and people
with disabilities.
Email: mark@juniortennisfoundation.org
Phone: 646 256 0351
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